EDI data transmission

To communicate and exchange data world-wide



What it does

Your company may partners in the same country, but also world-wide. The exchange formats for EDI documents now in use can prove incompatible with your international partners’. T-Link is here to solve the problem, allowing for the exchange of documents via EDI, with the direct exchange of customised files between client and supplier. T-Link is especially created to ease and fasten the relation with all your partner (EDI and non-EDI).


Who needs it​?

T-Link adapts to all kinds of businesses, because it eases the communication with clients, suppliers and public administration


What are T-Link’s main features​

  • This product is among the most advanced solutions for dematerialisation of paper documents and it integrates easily with your company’s informative system;
  • It manages large data volumes and the relations between partners. It supervises precisely the transmission and reception of each document, zeroing the chances of mistake, or failed sending or reception;
  • It manages the transmission and reception of documents, carrying out the translation requested by each partner in different EDI versions (Euritmo, 90.1, D69A, Ansi X12, VDA, D01B,…) and allows the management of specific versions for each partners;
  • It manages error notices on sent and received documents, by emailing the cause of the mistake to the staff in charge;
  • It is integrated with tools for viewing the original content of sent/received files.

Discover the benefits

No matter what format your partners request, the informative system transmits the file to T-Link in just one, selected file (CSV, XML, Idoc, txt); and no matter what channel your partner uses to send out documents, the informative system receives them always on the same track. The translations are always handled by T-Link and the interface to the informative system is not affected by the translation.



Via Goldoni 27,
20023 Cerro Maggiore (Mi) - Italy

Contact us

Phone: +39 0331421787
Fax: +39 0331511238


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© O. & S. I. srl – Via Goldoni 27, 20023 Cerro Maggiore (MI) – Italy
Phone: +39 0331421787 Fax. +39 0331511238 – E-mail: info@oandsi.it – VAT number 13478160156